Environmental Threat: Disposable sanitary products pose environmental threat, with approximately 12 billion sanitary pads disposed of annually, causing environmental degradation. Furthermore, Kenyan garment manufacturers generate over 400,000 tones of textile waste annually, contributing to 8% of global emissions.

Challenges in Menstrual Health: UNESCO reports that one in ten African girls misses school during menstruation, contributing to educational inequality. In Kisumu County, 65% of adolescent girls lack access to proper menstrual products, leading to adverse health effects and school absenteeism.

Dignity, Health, and Education at Stake: Research by UNESCO and UNICEF establishes a direct correlation between menstrual hygiene and educational outcomes, indicating that the lack of proper menstrual resources hinders school attendance among girls.

Environmental Sustainability Through Textile Waste Repurposing:: By repurposing textile waste to produce reusable sanitary pads, we actively reduce the environmental impact associated with the disposal of traditional disposable menstrual products. This eco-friendly approach aligns with our dedication to creating solutions that not only address immediate challenges but also contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable environment for future generations.

Sustainable Menstrual Solutions: We are addressing the challenges faced by adolescent girls in managing menstruation effectively. Dignify Her focuses on providing sustainable and reusable sanitary pads crafted from textile waste, offering a practical alternative to traditional disposable menstrual products. This approach ensures cost-effectiveness and contributes to environmental sustainability by repurposing textile waste for production.

Digital Innovation for Awareness and Accessibility: To enhance the impact of our initiative, we plan to integrate advanced digital and mobile technology through the “Dignify Her” App and Portal. This digital platform shall facilitate the promotion, sale, and distribution of reusable sanitary pads, ensuring accessibility for girls in need. Moreover, the app serves as an educational tool, raising awareness about sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), promoting informed choices, and fostering a supportive community for adolescent girls.

Community-Centric Approach – Fostering Change at the Grassroots: The heart of our solution lies in benefiting adolescent girls attending primary and secondary schools in Kenya, especially those in Kisumu County. These girls face challenges due to limited access to proper sanitary products, hindering their menstrual health and overall well-being. The “Dignify Her” Initiative addresses this critical need by providing reusable sanitary pads crafted from textile waste. Beyond individual impact, our initiative contributes to climate action by repurposing textile waste, benefitting the broader community. As we scale, we aim to strengthen partnerships with local schools, extending the initiative’s reach to more communities and regions. Our unique selling proposition is anchored in the intersection of menstrual health, environmental sustainability, and community engagement, setting us apart and ensuring a comprehensive and impactful initiative.

Advocacy, Awareness, and Funding Campaigns: Active engagement in advocacy and awareness campaigns is central to our expansion strategy. We recognize the importance of garnering support and funding to fuel the initiative’s growth. By leveraging the success and impact achieved in the initial phase, we intend to create a ripple effect, inspiring more communities to adopt sustainable menstrual solutions. Through strategic advocacy, we seek to position the “Dignify Her” Initiative as a catalyst for positive change in menstrual health and environmental conservation, creating a foundation for broader adoption and impact.

Envisioning Growth Across Kenya and Sub-Saharan Africa: The “Dignify Her” Initiative is poised for significant growth, with a vision to extend its impact to all 47 counties in Kenya within the next five years. Looking ahead, our long-term plan involves expanding the initiative’s reach to countries across Sub-Saharan Africa within a decade. To achieve this ambitious goal, we are strategizing the establishment of strategic partnerships with key stakeholders, including county governments, the national government of Kenya, NGOs, and international organizations. Through collaboration, we aim to replicate our successful model in diverse communities facing challenges related to menstrual health and environmental sustainability.

Dignified Menstrual Health: A community where every adolescent girl experiences dignified menstrual health, free from stigma and barriers, empowers them to confidently pursue education.

Educational Empowerment: Improved school attendance and academic performance among adolescent girls, breaking the cycle of absenteeism during menstruation and fostering a supportive educational environment.

Environmental Stewardship: A tangible contribution to environmental sustainability through the circular use of textile waste creates a scalable model for waste-to-value initiatives that benefit communities and the planet.

Cultural Shift: Positive changes in cultural perceptions around menstruation, breaking taboos, and fostering open conversations, increasing awareness, and understanding of menstrual health.

Community Collaboration: Strengthened partnerships with schools, local authorities, and community leaders, establishing a collaborative approach to addressing menstrual health challenges and promoting holistic community well-being.